Grandchildren are one of life’s greatest blessings. The love we feel for them is limitless and the joy they bring to our lives is beyond words. Of course, along with all that joy and love grandchildren also bring seemingly endless amounts of energy. It can sometimes be tricky to find ways to keep the grandkids happy and entertained while spending some quality time together. Luckily, there are many family-friendly activities that make sure everyone is happy and having fun while making lasting memories.
Here are some tips on how to keep the little ones entertained and happy so you can make some great memories:
Safety First
It goes without saying that safety should always be your number one priority when watching your grandchildren. You’ll want to store any potentially harmful items out of sight and out of reach. That includes locking up firearms, medications, and alcohol where the children can’t find or reach them. If you have very young grandchildren, such as babies or toddlers, you might want to make sure your home is childproof. Move any glass or breakable belongings up high and out of reach. You might also purchase safety bumpers for any furniture with sharp corners and lock any doors to rooms that haven’t been childproofed.
Work with Your Hands
Once you know your space is kid-safe, you’re ready to start planning activities for yourself and your grandchildren. If you’re having trouble thinking of some fun activities that you all will enjoy, consider your hobbies and skills. You might incorporate something you love and are skilled at doing into your time with your loved ones. For example, woodworking is a wonderful hobby that many people enjoy. As long as you prioritize safety, it’s a great activity for older kids and teenagers. If you sew, start your grandchildren out with a small project to get them familiar with an activity that can serve them later in life — even if it’s just replacing buttons.
Hobbies like these help your grandchildren feel closer to you while also teaching them a grown-up pastime that allows them to work with their hands. If you’re having trouble thinking of ideas, you might even talk to your grandkids about what sort of projects they’d like to make and what tools they’d need in order to complete it. In addition to helping you bond while creating lasting memories, these creative activities will also help teach your grandchildren the value of hard work and patience. They’ll carry these skills, values, and memories well into adulthood.
Get Experimental
Science is a great way to help your grandchildren learn while having fun at the same time. You might even find that you’re learning a little something new too! By using common household items you already have, you can create some simple, at-home science experiments.
Science experiments are a fun way to sneak some education into quality time with your grandchildren. A quick online search will provide many websites with free scientific lesson plans, including step-by-step instructions on how to conduct an experiment. Before starting an experiment, just make sure you have all the required materials and tools ready to go ahead of time. As with all activities, safety comes first so always wear gloves and goggles.
Get Cookin’
Spending time in the kitchen is a favorite bonding activity for many grandparents and their loved ones. Whether you’re baking cookies, making dinner, or mixing up a batch of edible slime, it can be rewarding to take time to talk about recipes and share the steps involved in them. You’ll help little ones learn about math, science, cooking, healthy eating habits, and a bit of responsibility.
Before you get started, make sure you go over the rules of kitchen safety. That includes talking to your grandchildren about keeping their clothing and hair tied back and out of the way. Show them how to properly use the oven or any other kitchen tools and appliances they’ll be using. Set boundaries about whether they should leave the knife usage to an adult, depending upon their age. Taking the time to discuss these things beforehand will ensure your time in the kitchen is smooth, enjoyable, and free of any injuries or cooking disasters.
Show Them Your Prized Possessions
Do you possess interesting belongings like antique furniture, jewelry from a bygone era, family heirlooms, or artwork from your travels? Show your favorite items to your grandkids and share the stories about where they came from and where they’ve been. Express the importance of each piece and its unique history. Your stories help your grandkids understand that these are meaningful items, which helps them gain greater respect and appreciation for other places, cultures, and history, and the stories you’re sharing.
Spending time with your grandchildren is more than just a great way for you to pass the time. It’s also a wonderful opportunity for them to connect with you while building lasting memories they can share with their own families one day. With a good plan for safety and entertainment, you all can have a blast while keeping quality time at the forefront.
The key is to find common ground with an activity that you all enjoy. Is there something you’re skilled at that you can share with the little ones? Do you have a hobby or family tradition you could pass down to them? From baking to woodworking to sewing, there are countless ways to pass down traditions or start new ones. Whatever activities you choose, spend your time together doing something fun, safe, and worthwhile that teaches skills they can utilize in the future. By talking to your grandchildren about the things they love to do, you can weave activities into the day that you all enjoy so that everyone will have a wonderful, educational time.
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